日本財団 図書館


Vitamin B1
?@Alinamin F (Fursulthiamine suger-coated tablets 5 mg)
?ADicetamin (Dicethiamine HOI tablets 5 mg)
Vitamin B1 preparations are widely used for therapeutic purposes as well as for promoting general health (e.g., promoting recovery from fatigue).
Indications: Vitamin B1 supplementation before and after hard physical activity. Treatment of and neuralgia, and myalgia, joint pain, peripheral neuritis, peripheral neuropathy, myocardial metabolic disorders. Product B is also indicated for the treatment of cerebrovascular disease and gastrointestinal dysmotility (e.g., constipation).
Dodsage: ?@ 5-10 mg (1-2 tablets) once to 3 times daily. ?A 5-10 mg (1-2 tablets) once to 3 times daily. Therapeutic use of vitamin B1 is only allowed under the direction of health care professionals.
Precautions: When an adequate response is not obtained, use of vitamin B1 should be rapidly discontinued.
Storage: In a light-resistant, tightly-closed container at room temperature.


Vitamin C
Cinal (Ascorbic acid tablets 200 mg)
Vitamin C is involved in various metabolic processes.
Indications: Vitamin C supplementation before and after hard physical activity and activity at high temperature. Treatment of capillary bleeding (e.g., nasal hemorrhage, gingival hemorrhage, hematuria) and drug intoxication. Promotion of fracture healing. Vitamin C is also effective for the treatment of skin pigmentation and photosensitive dermatitis.
Dosage: 200 mg (1 tablet) once to several times daily.
Storage: Protected from light at room temperature.


Vitamin complex
?@New Popon S (combined drug tablets)
?ANeurovitan (combined drug tablets)
?BBiotamin Ace (combined drug suger-coated tablets)
Vitamin complex preparations contain several vitamins and sometimes also contain minerals.
Indications: Treatment of muscular pain, back pain, asthenopia, neuritis, hepatic disease, stomatitis, and dermatitis. Vitamin and mineral supplementation before or after activity at high temperature or under other circumstances. (e.g.,nutritional supplement).
Dosage: ?@ 2 tablets once daily (after lunch or after the evening meal). ?A 1 tablet once to 3 times daily ?B 1 tablet once to 3 times daily.
Storage: At room temperature.


Electrolyte preparations
Combined drugs
?@Solita T No.3 (granules; 3 glsachet)
?APocari Sweat (powder/sachet)
These preparations are fluid and electrolyte supplements given via the oral route.
Indications: Mild to moderate dehvdration. Normalization of electrolyte balance.
Dosage:?@ 3 g (1 sachet) dissolved in cold or lukewarm water 100ml prior to use. The solution must not be prepared at a concentration higher than recommended. Intake of the preparation must not be forced. Because of its hygroscopic properties, the product should be used soon after opening the package. ?A As specified in the package insert.
Precautions: 1. These products must not be given to patients with intestinal obstruction, intestinal perforation, severe renal disease, or severe vomiting.
2. These products may cause diarrhea or vomiting.
Storage: At room temperature.


?@Adona (Carbazochrome sodium sulfonate tablets 10 mg)
?ATransamin (Tranexamic acid tablets 250 mg)
Product ?@ causes hemostasis by acting on the capillary vessels. Product ?A causes hemostasis by acting on the mechanism of coagulation.
Indications: Hemorrhage of all types, including hemorrhage from wounds, cerebral hemorrhage, hemoptysis, hematemesis, and melena.
Dosage: ?@ 10-30 mg (1-3 tablets) 3 times daily.?A 250-500 mg (1-2 tablets) 3 times daily.
Precautions: The hemostatics may cause nausea, anorexia, diarrhea, and skin rashes.
Storage: At room temperature.




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